Working Fluids for District Heating Applications

High-performance, Low GWP Solutions for Thermal Efficiency

District heating systems (also known as “heat networks”) are one of the most promising technologies for reducing global carbon emissions. With district heating, thermal energy generated in a centralized plant is captured using a heat exchanger and conducted via insulated pipes to residential or commercial locations for space and water heating.

Frequently, the thermal energy used in district heating is recovered from biomass-fueled cogeneration plants, but zero-emissions sources like geothermal heating, solar, and high-temperature heat pumps are increasingly employed (along with waste heat from factories and various industrial processes). District heating offers higher efficiencies than dispersed boiler systems and has proven a cost-effective means of limiting carbon emissions.

The Right Balance of Properties in a Sustainable Product

Opteon™ HFO working fluids, which feature zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and a low global warming potential (GWP), provides the right balance of properties for district heating applications. From their outstanding thermal stability and heating performance to their favorable pressure, enthalpy, and vapor characteristics, Opteon™ fluids deliver the performance needed for successful and efficient distributed heating.